Professional \ Focused \ Dedicated
Citrus fruit extracts possess large amounts of flavonoids and show potent free radical scavenging activity. Naringin and naringenin both are strong scavengers of free radicals and prevent lipid peroxidation. Both superoxide and hydroxyl radicals are scavenged by these flavonoids in vitro. Xanthine oxidase enzymes are physiologic sources of superoxide anions in eukaryotic cells. Naringin was found to significantly inhibit the xanthine oxidase activity in vitro. It also showed strong antioxidant activity in vivo in different disease conditions. A protective effect of naringin was seen in diabetic rats; naringin supplementation improved antioxidant enzymes such as SOD, catalase, and GPx in diabetic animals. It also improved the antioxidant enzyme status in cholesterol-fed rabbits. TBARS concentrations were not altered in high-cholesterol–fed rabbits treated with naringin. Similar antioxidant effects were also observed in isoproterenol-induced cardiotoxicity in Wistar rats. Naringin supplementation reduced the lipid peroxidation product and hydroperoxides in the plasma and heart of isoproterenol-induced Wistar rats.
Benepure Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
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